Individuals high in socioeconomic status (SES) are often viewed as valuable members of society. However, the appeal of high-SES people exists in tension with our aversion to inequity. Little experimental work has directly examined how people rectify …
Generally, White (vs. Black) and high-status (vs. low-status) individuals are rated positively. However, implicit evaluations of simultaneously perceived race and SES remain to be considered. Across four experiments, participants completed an …
Those who are high in external motivation to respond without prejudice tend to focus on non-racial attributes when describing others ([Norton, Sommers, Apfelbaum, Pura, & Ariely, …
Inferring the relative rank (i.e., status) of others is essential to navigating social hierarchies. A survey of the expanding social psychological and neuroscience literatures on status reveals a diversity of focuses (e.g., perceiver vs. agent), …