Implicit Bias

Status-Based Evaluation

Across various projects with my collaborators in the Impression Formation Social Neuroscience Lab, I have been actively studying how we perceive social status in others and how perceived status ultimately shapes the evaluations and decisions we make about others.

A registered report on how implicit pro-rich bias is shaped by the perceiver’s gender and socioeconomic status

Although high status is often considered a desirable quality, this may not always be the case. Different factors may moderate the value of high status along a dimension such as wealth (e.g., gender, perceiver income/education). For example, studies …

Implicit evaluative biases toward targets varying in race and socioeconomic status

Generally, White (vs. Black) and high-status (vs. low-status) individuals are rated positively. However, implicit evaluations of simultaneously perceived race and SES remain to be considered. Across four experiments, participants completed an …